WEB DEVELOPMENT We specialise in open-source technology and are able to offer a range of services in web development using various cutting-edge technologies. We can offer solutions to cover the whole life cycle of software development, from design to custom development and testing to maintenance and support.
MOBILE DEVELOPMENT With Modern JavaScript and React Native, we can create native mobile applications for iOS and Android.
DATABASE MANAGEMENT In order to achieve accessible, responsive and scalable web applications, it is essential to have efficient data management systems. We can provide solutions for database design, development and ongoing management, as well as remote administration, monitoring, and optimisation of performance.
API DEVELOPMENT We can help you enrich your web application by integrating it to a range of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This might involve connecting your application to e-commerce APIS like Amazon, Play.com or eBay, or social media like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
E-COMMERCE As online shopping grows in popularity, we have developed our expertise to cover a range of payment and shipping options as well as product and category management, full inventory control, newsletters and other promotional tools, and many other common e-commerce features.
TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY We can consult on important technology decisions and suggest solutions that fit your business' needs and your budget. We provide designs of web applications as well as scoping, technology offering, performance improvement and project rescue.
★ Daily commits/build
★ Version Control Systems
★ Strict In-House Technology Standards
★ Unit Testing and User Acceptance Testing
★ Continuous Integration
★ Code Documentations
★ Performance Analysis and Improvement
★ Web Application Monitoring
★ Custom LAMP Development
★ PHP Frameworks (CI, Laravel, Symfony2, CakePHP)
★ Responsive Web Design
★ Technical Consultancy
★ MySQL and NoSQL Database Management
★ CMSs, Ecommerce solutions
★ API development and integration
★ Agile Project Management
★ Regular Development Iterations
★ Honest Project Estimations
★ Issue Tracking System
★ Commitment to excellent customer service
★ Passion for web technology
★ Highly trained development team